Secrets to dressing sexy, and still being respected

This is an age-old fine line to walk. How to look sexy without looking too sexy. Take it a bit too far and people will treat your poorly and respect goes right out the window. You still want to look sexy though, as they say, if you’ve got it to flaunt it. It's just not an easy thing to do.…

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Women’s hats! are they coming in or going out of style?

Hats have been going in and out of style for hundreds of years. There have been times where it was essential for every woman to wear one, and times when nobody is wearing one, but, no matter what the latest fashion gurus say, there is always room for a good hat. Hats are a great fashion statement, as well as…

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Retro chic or hipster, making your own style (for women)

It’s been quite the big thing in recent years being a hipster. Though in the older days we used to call it retro-chic. Really all it means is making your own style. Finding a look that works for you, that might be a little old school on the edge and away from convention. But we both know when you find…

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Picking the right heel for the right occasion

Shoes are some people’s life, but even if you are an Imelda Marcos (reported to have 1,220 pairs of shoes), sometimes it’s hard to know what the right pair to wear for certain occasions is. There are many different kinds of heels, and not all of them appropriate for some places. Can you Imagine trying to walk on the beach…

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